6 Weapons To Slap Into Your Marketing Arsenal For Maximum Fire Power

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Every military campaign is designed to include both strategy and fire power! Your well-developed marketing plan will be lacking some serious punch unless you equip your team with the weapons needed for success.

Marketing Aresenal

6 weapons every marketing department should add to their arsenal!

1)     Start authoring something of value

Education sells! People love being able to download a short report that leaves them learning something new. Create a FREE downloadable PDF that contains great information that is both engaging, funny and insanely informative. Be sure to include links to your website, social media profiles and email addresses for more information. Now, spread that bad boy around like a bad rash! The key is to offer it up for FREE.

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2)     Start speaking in public

Your local Chamber of Commerce always has member events where you can volunteer your time, and speak to the members about your business. Take advantage of the spotlight! Appoint someone who is charismatic and able to convey a solid message. Be sure to open up the floor for questions or comments. Your passion will shine through, and soon you will be known as the local guru within your industry.

3)     Develop a huge collection of testimonials

Download a program called Jing. It’s a tool you can use to take screen shots of images on your computer screen. I use it to capture positive comments left on my Facebook page. Just save it as an image, and include them on your website, direct mailings, or create a collage and share it with your fans! Video testimonials work the best, so if you host a large event, be sure to hire someone to film a 15 second testimonial from those who attended. Never ignore a chance to garner new positive comments about your business. Think of Amazon and how their reviews persuade your purchase decision.

4)     Increase your overall service value by offering something exclusive to your existing customers

People love feeling like they are a part of a club! Throw a year-end party to show them how much you value their business. Send out gift cards to local hot spots when someone reaches a milestone. For example, if a client has been doing business with you for a year, send them special “Happy Anniversary” card with a small gift. Let them know that you appreciate their loyalty.

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5)     Appoint a member of your team to perform a weekly reconnaissance mission

Investigate what your competitors have been up to. Where are they advertising, how often are they posting on Facebook and are they launching any new products? Instruct them to research new methods that you could employ to better market your business while at the same time keeping down costs. The person you select needs to be innovative, creative and full of tenacity. They need to get excited about building your business.

6)     Collaborate for the benefit of your business

The easiest way to save money and increase your exposure, is to team up with like-minded businesses and find a way to share the spotlight. Connecting with someone is as simple as sending a quick email explaining how you’ve been following them and like their style. Propose a scenario where both businesses could benefit from each other. Develop a referral program, or  host a summer bash. Just be sure to clearly convey how your new formed alliance will help increase sales, and introduce new people to their brand.

Given enough time, you could come up with a ton of ways to beef up your fire power, and blast a hole in a specific market. Keep your nose to the grindstone, and always document your results. Marketing is a series of failed attempts. Each business is like a snowflake, they’re different in their own way. No matter the industry or niche, there is someone out there that wants what you have to offer.

Now all you have to do is find them.

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photo credit: Eric Constantineau – www.ericconstantineau.com via photopin cc

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