A strong call to action for social engagement was evident in almost every single Super Bowl commercial that aired. A thirty-second spot runs close to $4M! With that amount of cash being dropped, they made an effort to concentrate their message around social interaction via Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. If the big league, deep pocket, bottomless budgeted masses think that social media is worth the investment, there must be something to the whole “social fad.”
The advertisements did way more than just display a Facebook icon on the bottom of the screen. They weaved a command to follow them on Twitter, or post your images on Instagram. Their call to action was both obvious, and aggressive enough to force the viewers to take action immediately.
In order for your social campaigns to be as effective as those that cost almost $4M, you have to be just as vocal, and shout your online existence from the rooftops! Take advantage of your spotlight, no matter how brief it may be.
Related Topic: 7 Ways to Build Your Fan Base on Facebook
Love it or hate it, the GoDaddy.com commercial that featured Bar Refaeli and the not so cool “geekish” fellow, will leave people talking for months. It will be featured on YouTube and will receive over one million hits within 24 hours. Parents will be discussing how inappropriate the massive public display of affection was. GoDaddy is famous for their overly sexy commercials. They’ve been scrutinized for their abuse of the “sex sells” advertising mantra. But, their commercial will be shared like a bad cold! Everyone will get the chance to view the “most talked about commercial on television.”
While I’m not promoting the use of overly gratuitous displays of affection in your advertising, I am directing you to start thinking outside of the box. You need to think like GoDaddy.com and find a new way to attract an insane amount of attention from your potential customers.
At the end of the game, even with the lengthy power outage, I was impressed by both the game play, and the advertising. When spending upwards of $4M on a single slice of air time, you have to make sure that your message sticks.
What can you do to ensure your message is heard, viewed and shared?
Stick to your morals and values when it comes to advertising. Don’t sell out just for more Likes, Tweets, and social shares.
Concentrate on ways to stand out in the crowd.
photo credit: Daniel Stark via photopin cc